Monday, February 28, 2011

And so it begins...

Welcome to "Reformed-ForHisGlory"

   This blog was created with the purpose of seeing Christ glorified. And we believe that Christ is glorified when men boldly proclaim the truth found in the scriptures (Psalm 119:160). This blog consists of three contributers (so far). All who will submit their own posts periodically. We will cover all sorts of theological issues (from a Reformed perspective). There are a lot of misconceptions about Christianity and Reformed Theology. We pray that we can provide some clarity in a day when Christendom is filled with much fog. We will also promote music, and books that we find to be biblical. I pray that you are encouraged by our posts. Feel free to come back as often as you like. 

In Christ, Awretchsaved 


  1. looking forward to the blog. If I might humbly make a suggestion...the background doesn't really jive with the posts. What I mean is it's a bit hard to read. I mean I can read it, but it's just a bit distracting and hard on the eyes with the transparent wording in the post and the background showing through. Blessings on the blog brethren, Andrew

  2. Thanks, Andrew!

  3. I like the background! I also like the subject matter. Theology does indeed matter. Just as Jesus is indeed Lord. I look forward with great interest to the future of this blog. A good tree bears good fruit. God bless.~Wink

  4. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on Christian topics.
