Sunday, August 21, 2011


One might wonder, “Who could even ask such a thing,” yet it is heard in the halls and rooms of Christendom very often, and is an insult and a stench in our holy Father’s nose.

God created all things; He created the devil and man with the capacity for evil, and He uses that capacity to bring about His glory, as He uses all things and works all things according to the good council of His will, and this especially applies to those who love Him, more than it does to those who do not, because of His willing these things (Romans 8:28; 9:22-24; Ephesians 1:11).

Now, a man purposes evil in his heart because he is, in essence, evil - even born again, that tent of flesh yet proves our unworthiness, even if only in thought, and such as that is highly doubtful (Romans 7; 1 John 1:8-10); God, however, does not so purpose, but to use secondary causes (such as evil spirits and men) to bring about the greatest glory to Himself and the most beneficial results to His elect saints, even when they do not understand such - the wisdom that begins with the fear of God and is hidden with knowledge in treasures of God's grace in our Lord Jesus Christ prove such, and the complete light, meaning goodness infinite and incomprehensible, of which there is no darkness or mutability, ensures the faith of those chosen has been and will be rewarded in manner quite beyond our ability to now comprehend, but through His gracious gifts and Spirit (Romans 11:33-36; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Colossians 2:2-3; James 1:16-17; 1 John 1:5).

What manner of reasoning could bring itself to declare the most high, holy, inestimable thrice holy God, who sent His Son, the infinite and co-equal Son, to take on flesh, that out of this world of all who hate Him, He might save some?

Human reasoning (1 Corinthians 1:18-29) – naturalistic philosophies of men we are warned against, some of which parade around among Christendom seeking to look as if they were one with that world view, when instead, they are children of the devil, acting pious but spewing bile, as much as those our Lord said such too, and as such, will receive their just reward (Colossians 2:4, 8; John 8:44; Matthew 6:1-5).

No man who encounters God in the Scriptures says such a thing of Him as He is evil, unless that man is deceived, and God does not mercifully change His innermost being.

There is a blatancy of evil in such a statement that is as hateful to God as the sin of Adam pridefully and willingly taking the forbidden fruit from his deceived wife, so that he might “be like God, and know good and evil.” It is always the same sin, and it is repeated every time man seeks to judge the God who created him from dirt by his dirty measure.

May God have mercy on these foolish lumps of clay; may He not blow in His fury, that the dirt returns to the dust it was made from, with no life but that of eternal suffering in hellfire.

To God alone be the glory. - Bill Hier

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