What is the appropriate biblical response to Bin Laden's death? In other words- how should we react to the news of him dying?
I've seen friends of mine post verses such as:
"When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting. (Proverbs 11:10)"
The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. (Psalm 58:10)
On the otherside, others have posted
"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles." (Prov. 24:17)
Honestly, this blogger has felt a sense of both.
On one hand, I understand that a mass murderer has been stopped. He will no longer be able to plan any more attacks upon innocent civilians. The state has brought him to justice (Romans 13:4). For those who lost loved ones on 9/11, this brings some sort of peace. At the same time, it is true, that Bin Laden (has) will give an account for all that he has done. God will hold him responsible for every evil thought, and evil deed he committed. To this, I do not rejoice. Why? Well, I know my own thought life/deeds and understand that apart from the grace of God- I too would stand condemned before God. I too would be told to go "into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41).
Unbelievers are also posting comments such as "rot in hell". They believe that hell is a place (only) for murderers, rapists, etc. Not realizing that breaking one law is breaking the whole law (James 2:10). They believe that Osama deserves to be in a place of everlasting torment, not realizing that they will be in the same place- unless they repent. We often think we are better than most. Quickly forgetting that it is ONLY grace that keeps us from hell. There were some people around Jesus's time who thought the same. This is what Jesus told them:
1There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2And he answered them, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."- Luke 13
In Christ, Awretchsaved
ReplyDeleteYour right brother, at the heart none is good... none. Me and Osama are floating in the same boat of rebellion against God. So to let vengence be of the Lord sounds good to me, because I deserve the same... We say that Osama was a guilty murderer, we also say that Jesus died in the place of sinners, that those who would believe would be saved... Evil men alike, all around the world. Thank God for true justice!
ReplyDeleteBall outta the park moment right here!
Couldn't have said it better myself.
God bless you brother.