Those words were penned by Jonathan Edwards in 1746 and are still found true today. Too often the god that is often proclaimed from pulpits across the world is not the holy God of the heavens revealed in the Bible. The god of many today is nothing more than a man-made god who resembles man. He acts like a man, thinks like a man, judges like a man, loves like a man, caters to man like a man, fears man like a man, bows down to man like a man and on and on we can go. Men, specifically those that have the label "pastor," have trumped up such an image and stamped their fingerprints all over this "god"; have set him upon an imaginary throne, in an imaginary world with man right smack in the center. They have bowed to his idolatrous image and have tacked "God" onto this man-made creature and have expected all people to bow down in like manner.
A kind of love may arise from a false notion of God, that men have been educated in, or have some way imbibed; as though he were only goodness and mercy, and not revenging justice; or as though the exercises of his goodness were necessary, and not free and sovereign; or as though his goodness were dependent on what is in them, and as it were constrained by them. Men on such grounds as these, may love a God of their own forming in their imaginations, when they are far from loving such a God as reigns in heaven.
If you have not noticed this article is highly polemical and if your are offended by this than you may wish to stop reading.
This "god" may even have the name "Jesus" or "Christ" stamped onto it. He is often presented as the most "loving" being. He offends no one, hurts no one, condemns no one, demands no submission, cares not to be feared; desires that his holiness to be synonymous with his "love." He died to set more of an example of "love" than anything else, he is uncertain of what he is going to with those that do not "follow" his example on earth of how to live a "good' and "abundant" life. He says in the bible that he will punish some but is conflicted and confused in himself because he is "love" and who is to say that in the end "love" may "win" and everyone enjoy his presence in bliss. He is a god that changes. He is no longer the monstrosity of the Old Testament that had nations and kings bow before him in fear and praise, confessing his greatness. No, no, no that was a different god, he has morphed into the god of the New Testament. He is not holy, holy, holy but "love," "love," "love."
This god has revealed himself in his word,- only the red letters (words of Jesus) of the bible and every other non -red letters that speak of his "love," "grace," and "compassion." Every other part can be rejected, ignored or subordinated to "love."
This god cares more about "relationships" than truth; truth being chiefly subjective and relative. This god cares not if everyone does right in their own eyes. He tolerates just about everyone and every thing accept those that speak out against any that proclaim such a god.
As outlandish and silly as this seems the reality is that this is exactly the god that comes from many pulpits in America. It is a false god. Idolatry. A gross violation of the first four commandments. It is really worship of self.
Do not be fooled my friends. Such a god does not exist accept in the minds of blind men. Be warned that the triune God will judge all who bow down and proclaim the foreign god that claims His name. He is a jealous God- a consuming fire (Deut. 4:24. He. 12:28-29). He is holy, holy, holy! His is love. He mercies and is mos gracious; His ultimate love is found for all that are and will be in Christ. All spiritual blessings flow through Him and are received by those found in repentance and faith in Him. All outside of Christ will be consumed by the wrath of God. He is that holy, holy, holy!
We would be wise to observe the wisdom of Jonathan Edwards:
Again, self-love may be the foundation of an affection in men towards God, through a great insensibility of their state with regard to God, and for want of conviction of conscience to make them sensible how dreadfully they have provoked God to anger; they have no sense of the heinousness of sin, as against God, and of the infinite and terrible opposition of the holy nature of God against it: and so, having formed in their minds such a God as suits them, and thinking God to be such a one as themselves, who favors and agrees with them, they may like him very well, and feel a sort of love to him, when they are far from loving the true God. And men's affections may be much moved towards God, from self-love, by some remarkable outward benefits received from God; as it was with Naaman, Nebuchadnezzar, and the children of Israel at the Red Sea.*Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy places by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp. So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured (Heb 13:7–13).
The God of the Old Testament is the same of the New Testament.
Soli Deo Gloria!
For His Glory,
*Edwards, Jonathan (2009-06-09). Religious Affections - Enhanced Version (p. 94). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
*Ibid, p. 95
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