Friday, March 25, 2011

Why I love My Paedobaptist Brethren

Let's face it, throughout the history of the Church, when the Gospel has been attacked, it has been our infant baptizing brothers that have been at the forefront of the battle (that is not to say our Baptist brethren have remained silent). They took up the sword of the Spirit and went to battle. And we have all their theological writings as evidence of their love for Christ and His Word. It is from these writings (there are always objectors that mumble "you should be more concerned with Scripture to which I respond "what do you think they're writing about?") that I have grown tremendously in Christ. While in prison (where the Lord converted me) I studied the Bible at length for three years. I was well versed in Scripture but I just didn't understand how everything came together, how it all related. Once released I went to Bible college where I was ingrained in Dispensationalism and confused even more. After leaving I  picked up R.C. Sproul's "What is Reformed Theology" and reading it in almost one sitting thinking to myself "brilliant!" After being told that covenant theologians had cooties I thought, "well then this is the kind of cooties I want!" Finally, the Scriptures as a whole were starting to make sense.

Our Paedobaptist brothers have left a legacy of Christ honoring writings. And I am indebted to them for helping me grow. After reading Sproul I bought all sorts of books by Paedobaptists- Michael Horton, John Owen, Edward Fisher, Sinclair Ferguson, James Boice, Louis Berkhof, Charles Hodge, Kim Riddlbarger, J.I. Packer e.t.c.. While not agreeing with everything they believe, I learned a tremendous amount from them. Perhaps, though, what stands out is not only their proclamation of Christ but the defense of Him as well! Again, look at all the major church battles against heresies and it is our infant baptizing brothers that won those battles (only by the grace and power of God).

Now because I stand Credo I guess some Baptists think I'm supposed to detest Paedobaptists. Honestly, even though I don't hold their view of baptism, I have more in common with them than I do with modern day Baptists. The track record isn't so good for mainstream Baptists (please distinguish between mainstream Baptists and Reformed or Covenantal, for those that don't like Reformed next to Baptist, Baptists). It is filled with Arminianism and Semi-Pelagianism (don't know what those mean? Google them) and partly responsible for tons of false converts with its walk the aisle, pray a prayer form of evangelism. In all good conscience I cannot stand shoulder to shoulder on the front line of our spiritual battle with those that compromise the Gospel. But I can stand side by side with the likes of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Bullinger, Casper Oilvianus, Zacharius Ursinus, the Westminster Divines, John Owen e.t.c.

If you're a Baptist and misrepresent and anathematize our infant baptizing brothers, remember the Reformers. If God had not raised them up, you would still be bowing to the Pope! There is nothing as frustrating as a Baptist that rants against Paedobaptists while being ignorant of Church history. Read their writings and be challenged and edified. Educate yourself and learn what they believe and why they believe it, concerning infant baptism. Who knows you may still disagree with them on baptism but love their writings and end up with a library that consists of 80 percent of Paedobaptist writings. They have all the battle scars and wounds from the front lines of theological battle. They deserve our love and respect.

As for me, I'll take a Dr. Michael Horton's systematic theology over a Dr. Norman Geisler's systematic theology any day... any day."Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor" and "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart" (Ro. 12:10 and 1 Pe. 1:22). Soli Deo Gloria!

For His Glory,

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