In the same way the glory of God is revealed in His holiness and His righteousness. The ancient law given through Moses had revealed the holiness and righteousness and justice of God, and His view of sin, and His condemnation of it; but for a full manifestation of the holiness and righteousness of God we must hasten to Calvary’s hill. There is only one answer to the question as to why Christ had to die—the holiness of God! The holiness of God is such that He cannot deal savingly with a sinner unless sin has been dealt with; nothing less than the death of His Son can satisfy the holy demands of this righteous God. So on the Cross He has ‘set him forth as a propitiation to declare his righteousness’ (Romans 3:25 and 26).But above all else the glory of God has been revealed to us in His grace. The question must arise in our minds as to why in view of our rebellion and arrogance and sin God has done anything for our good. The answer is found in His grace; and you know nothing of this until you see it ‘in the face of Jesus Christ’ and the grace that streams from it. It was because of this that Samuel Davies cried out in his famous hymn:Great God of wonders, all Thy waysAre matchless, godlike, and divine;But the fair glories of Thy graceMore godlike and unrivalled shine.It is there that you see His love, and the glory of that love.*
*Lloyd-Jones, D. M. (1978). God's Ultimate Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians 1 (134). Edinburgh; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust.
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