No man will really seek salvation until he is clear about this doctrine....If I did not believe in the doctrine of the wrath of God, I would not understand the death of Christ upon the cross, it would be meaningless to me....The ultimate proof of the wrath of God upon sin is the death of our Lord upon the Cross on Calvary’s hill. It is the greatest manifestation of the love of God. It is at the same time the greatest manifestation of the wrath of God. Many things met at Calvary....The ultimate trouble with people who do not believe in the doctrine of the wrath of God is that they do not believe the biblical revelation of God. They have got a God of their own creating. Generally, people who reject the biblical doctrine of the wrath of God also reject the biblical doctrine of redemption and of salvation. They are quite consistent. If you do not believe in God’s wrath there is no real need for the sacrifice on Calvary’s hill....Here is a doctrine that the natural man abominates. He feels that it is insulting to him. He has always been like this. Go back again and read the histories and you will find in all periods of deadness and of declension that people did not believe in sin in that way. They did not believe in the wrath of God. And I suppose there are no two things in connection with the Christian faith that are so abominated today, as the doctrine of sin, and the doctrine of the wrath of God....The Jesus whom people put up against the Old Testament, he taught about the wrath of God … and I know of nothing that is so terrifying in the whole of the Bible than in the last book, in Revelation 6, which tells us of those men and women who at the end, when they see him they will call to the mountains, and the rocks to fall upon them and to hide them—from what? From the wrath of the Lamb, the incarnation of his love. It is his wrath that is the most terrifying thing of all.*
*Sargent, T. (2007). Gems from Martyn Lloyd-Jones: An Anthology of Quotations from 'the Doctor' (314-316). Milton Keynes, England; Colorado Springs, CO; Hyderabad, AP: Paternoster.
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