Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thoughts From A Former Dispensationalist

Let me preface this article with a clarification. If you are a Dispensationalist reading this blog, please do not take this personal. This is not an attack against you personally. I understand that when something you believe is called into question there is a real tendency to personalize the rebuke. While I am not afraid to mention names and call out the biggest proponents of Dispensationalism, that is not my main intention but sometimes it is necessary. My concern is with with the system itself and I do recognize that you cannot always separate the system from those that propagate it. Again this is not a personal attack on you but if you do find yourself getting  upset then perhaps that can be turned into a good thing. Hopefully you will be provoked into further study of the Word of God and learn from other godly men concerning the system known as Dispensationalism. I fear that it is a system that you were taught and strongly feel to be the most biblical but have not tested it but rather are holding to a tradition that may be blinding you. I pray these quotes from a former Dispensationalist, by the name of Philip Mauro, will stir up some questions and doubts for you to further study.

The following quotes are from Philip Mauro's book "The Gospel of the Kingdom" written in 1927:

"Let it be understood at the outset that my controversy is solely with the doctrine itself; and not at all with those who hold and teach it, or any of them. I indeed was once myself one of their number for so long a time that I can but feel a tender consideration, and a profound sympathy likewise, for all such" (location 14 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"It is obvious that, in a matter involving truth of God so vital to His entire household, personal considerations must needs be disregarded." (Location 14 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"It is mortifying to remember that I not only held and taught these novelties myself, but that I even enjoyed a complacent sense of superiority because thereof, and regarded with feelings of pity and contempt those who had not received the 'new light' and were unacquainted with this up-to-date method of 'rightly dividing the word of truth.'" (Location 21 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"What a slur this is upon the spiritual understanding of the ten thousands of men, 'mighty in the Scriptures,' whom God gave as teachers to His people during all the Christian centuries before 'dispensational truth' (or dispensational error), was discovered! And what an affront to the thousands of men of God of our own day, workmen that need not be ashamed, who have never accepted the newly invented system!" (Location 21-22 of 2620 Kindle Edition)

"According to the new dispensationalism, our Lord and John the Baptist were not proclaiming the near coming of that 'Kingdom of God' which actually began shortly thereafter with the pouring out of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and which actually was then 'at hand,' but were announcing a kingdom of earthly grandeur for which the carnally minded Jews and their teachers were then (and are still) vainly looking; though the earthy kingdom of Israel is not called in the Sciptures, 'the Kingdom of God,' and though (as now evident0 it was not 'at hand' at all." (Location 36 of 2620 kindle Edition).

"As I continued, however, to study this new system of teaching in its various details, I found there were more errors in it, and worse, than I had first expected; and these, as they became evident to me, I have attempted, by occasional writings subsequently, to expose." (Location 36,44- 2620 Kindle Edition).

"For the object is not merely to expose the errors of twentieth century dispensationalism, but also and mainly to set forth the great, and truly 'fundamental' truths of Scripture which that system has, for those who have received it, either completely obliterated or at least greatly obscured." (Location 44 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"Finally it is appropriate in these introductory remarks to call attention (as I have occasion to do once and again in the pages that follow) to the striking and immensely significant fact that the entire system of 'dispensational teaching' is modernistic in the strictest sense; for it first came into existence within the memory of persons now living; and was altogether unknown even in their younger days. It is more recent than Darwinism." (Location 50 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"For the fact is that dispensationalism is modernism. It is modernism, moreover, of a very pernicious sort, such that it must have a 'Bible' of its own for the propagation of its peculiar doctrines, since they are not in the Word of God." (Location 58 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

"First, that we should have in these historical facts a most cogent reason why we should, each for himself, scrutinize this modern system most carefully in light of Scripture; and second, that the above stated fact, of the very recent origin of the system, raises the presumption that dispensationalism is not in accord with the truth of God, and is not to be accepted upon clear and ample proof." (Location 58 of 2620 Kindle edition).

"In concluding  these introductory remarks I would point out that this modern system of 'dispensational teaching' is a cause of division and controversy between those followers of Christ who ought to be, at this time of crisis, solidly united against the mighty forces of unbelief and apostasy; and further that it tends to bring the vital truth of our Lord's second coming into discredit with many, because it associates various speculative details which no scriptural support can be found." (Location 65 of 2620 Kindle Edition).

This warning was given back in 1927! How sad that it has went largely ignored. Perhaps my little peon voice will have the same result, but nevertheless as a servant of Christ and one that was involved in that system and has seen the damage it causes, I cannot remain silent. When I hear that certain books of the Bible are only for the "nation of Israel" and the the "Church" is not part of the New Covenant (not all Dispensationalists take this view) since it was made exclusively with "national Israel" or that there are two "New Covenants"- one for "Israel" and one for the "Church"- I am angered and grieved. It is very difficult to remain quiet and on the sidelines when the people of God are mis-identified and divided they way Dispensationalists have done so. I will say a hearty "amen" to what Paul, a Hebrew of Hebrews, says: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise... For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God" (Ga 3:28–29,6:15–16). Soli Deo Gloria!

For His Glory,

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